Ever wondered why those pesky zits keep coming back to haunt you? Maybe you need to upgrade your skincare routine. If so, you've come to the right place! This short article covers everything a guy would need to know to keep a clear complexion.

1. Face Cleansers
Facial cleansers are essential to every man's skincare routine. With the wrong facial cleanser, guys usually end up having drier and more irritated, unhealthy skin. But how do you distinguish between the good and the bad?
A good facial cleanser will leave your skin feeling hydrated, glistening in a clean natural glow. Our personal favorite is Hardworking Gentleman's Face Wash which comes in an invigorating Eucalyptus scent that will leave your face feeling like it left the Swiss Alps!
The HWG brand is one that we value greatly here at Masculin. We believe in delivering our customers with high-quality products with natural ingredients that are not just good for skin, but male skin in particular. The HWG Face Wash exemplifies such products by using unique natural ingredients to cleanse and nourish your skin. It also smells absolutely amazing!
So how often should you use your facial cleanser?
Most good skincare brands will instruct you to use their cleansers once in the morning and once right before bed. However, this of course varies. For guys who are active and spend a lot of time on the go or in the gym, using a cleanser once in the middle of the day can be very beneficial in keeping the face clear and fighting against acne. Therefore, 3 times a day is a good rule of thumb, but falling back 1 or 2 washes on some days won't hurt.
2. Exfoliating Washes
Exfoliating Washes are essential in getting rid of and preventing blackheads. The purpose of an exfoliator is to clear up dead skin and remove dirt, as well as other impurities, from your pores.
Since guys typically engage in more day-to-day physical activity, it is very important to invest in an exfoliator capable of keeping up with an active routine. There are several brands that have introduced such exfoliators made specifically for guys. A brand that we really like is Marlowe. If there are any boxing fans reading this, Yes, that is Ryan Garcia's brand of skincare.
Their exfoliating wash uses natural exfoliators that target dirt build-up in the pores and not only clears out your pores but also makes them smaller. This helps in preventing blackhead in the future. It has a sandalwood scent that will rock your world so hard, you'll wonder why you ever settled for any other exfoliator.
So how often should you use your exfoliating wash?
Unlike with a face cleanser, you do not need to exfoliate more than twice a day. That does not mean you can't. In fact, I would recommend to use your exfoliator for a third time in the middle of the day if you are having a rather active day.
3. Facial Moisturizers
Cleansing and exfoliating is very important for your skin, however it can dehydrate your skin - especially if you have dry skin. Therefore using a facial moisturizer is paramount to ensure that the skin stays hydrated. Without a good facial moisturizer, the best skincare routines could prove useless. The goal is to clear and prevent acne without causing dry or flaky skin.
For guys with normal skin we recommend moisturizing 2-3 times a day. Guys with oily skin should moisturize twice a day max, once in the morning and once at night.
Lumin has an amazing brand new Gel Biome Facial Moisturizer that really helps keep the skin healthy and nourished. This one is truly top notch stuff but it also carries a slightly higher price tag.
If you’d prefer an option that’s a little nicer to your wallet, we highly recommend another customer favorite, Barrel & Oak‘s Day & Night Face Moisturizer!